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 I am a student at CEPT University, currently in my 3rd year, pursuing Urban Design. I have always been an extrovert and  have  enjoyed interacting with people and understanding the way they live. This does not only give me an opportunity to travel, but rather helps me explore ways by which people in different places sustain in a minimal way.This studio has helped me understand the chain of interdependency we have to sustain a livelihood in a minimalistic manner.


Frugal city making elements are an essential part of any community, as they create complementary typologies that construct a qualitative urban life through the programmatic incorporations of other systems and public activities.

Brown infrastructure, just as the Green and Blue infrastructure is an important constituent of the urban scape. It caters to the spaces that are developed around the green and the blue spaces.


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Sahana Desai



Things that have been discussed further in the module that come under brown infrastructure are:


1.The road networks- are established to connect the site to the overall city. The network has been formed in a grid format for easy accessibility and mobility. 


2.Edge conditions-have to be established so as to define territories for different things inside or outside the site.


3.Plazas-are established through the arrangement of road networks. They act as multifunctional recreational spaces for people to perform different kinds of activities.




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